Thursday, October 31, 2019

Feeding 9 Billion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Feeding 9 Billion - Essay Example Various sources through which greenhouse gases are emitted include trains, airplanes, cars, trucks and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from factories among others. Currently, agriculture is determined to be the prime factor responsible for global warming due to augmented emission of methane and carbon dioxide. Additionally, agriculture is one of the major factors accountable for global warming for growing demand of food (Nationalgeographic, 2014). Global warming has been adversely affecting the environmental conditions of the earth owing to increased temperature along with changing climatic scenario. Presently, agriculture is considered to be the leading factor accountable for global warming due to increased food requirement for the growing population. Agricultural activities have been emitting greenhouse gases in an increased manner in the form of methane gases from cattle as well as rice farms. Fertilized fields are also identified to release nitrous oxide and additionally, carbon dioxide is released from deforestation of rain forest for raising livestock and growing crops. Agriculture is required to be provided with adequate water supplies for farming operations. Contextually, farming operations are one of the prime sources of water polluter as rivers, coastal ecosystems and fragile lakes are polluted with manure as well as fertilizers. In this regard, agriculture has been recognized to adversely affect biodiversity owing to deforestation and extinction of wildlife (Brown & Sovacool, 2011; Mohr, 2005). Contextually, agriculture poses diverse challenges and threats for the environment due to increased population rate and growing demand of food. Subsequently, agriculture is used in an imminences manner to meet the growing demand for food by the augmented pollution. In this respect, in order to meet the increased food demand of the global population, agricultural

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Employee's Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Employee's Review - Assignment Example I use my strengths in accomplishing the above results through working hard and attending training programs. Deviation in the working place is crucial because it enables an individual to accomplish the required goals of an organization. Dedicating one’s elf in the work enables one to work hard with an aim of achieving better results in the final work. Additionally, training programs enable one to learn various way through, which an individual may achieve the required goals of an organization. The goals or duties that were not met include unclear order maintenance of products, and unclear pricing. These are some of the duties that were not met the way it was required something that affected the performance of the company. Although, sales increased during the past year, some customers experienced the problem of poor order maintenance and pricing problem from their customers. The difficulties encountered after the goals were not were decreased number of customers and reduced profitability. This is because some customers left making the order from the company because of poor order maintenance of products and the pricing affected them too. My short term career interests include sales and marketing of products. My long term career interests is business administering. These careers are crucial, but they require one to work hard in order to satisfy customers’ needs. This will lead to improvement in the performance level of an

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Uk housing market

Uk housing market 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1Introduction 1.2A brief history of the UK housing market 1.3Aims The aim of this research project is to compare and evaluate the variables that affected the FTBs accessibility to the housing market over the last 40 years. 1.4Objectives The first objective is to establish the factors that have affected the rise in house prices other the last 40 years. The second objective is to review and evaluate how the property market has changed over the last 40 years with respect to affordable housing, and what impact this has had on FTB statistics. The third objective is to review and analyse the change in Private Lender schemes over the last 40 years, and the affect this has had on FTB statistics. The fourth objective is to review the relationship between variables such as life expectancy, retirement age, size of families, wages etc and their overall effect on FTBs accessibility to the housing market. The fifth objective is to conduct questionnaire surveys using a sample of FTBs to establish the publics perspective on affordable housing. The sixth objective is to conduct questionnaire surveys using a sample of FTBs to establish the most common method used. 1.5Definitions 1.6 First time buyer: Is a phrase commonly used to identify someone who would be buying a house for the first time. Average house price: The average price that a house would sell if placed on the market, this price would fall between the bottom 50per cent of house prices and the top 50per cent. Average household income: The combined average gross household income, from sources such as wages, salaries and various sources of investments. Key worker: A public sector worker, linked to professions such as, NHS staff, police officers, teachers, social workers, fire fighters, local authority planners and prison officers. House Price to income ratio: The ratio of median house prices to median incomes. 1.5 Abbreviations FTB: First time buyer HPIR: House price to income ratio CIS: Cash Incentive Scheme RTA: Right to Acquire RTB: Right to Buy 2.LITERATURE REVIEW In order to compare and evaluate the variables that affected the FTBs accessibility to the housing market over the last 40 years, it is necessary to review existing published work. Due to a lot of the published works, which were gained from the library not being up to date, the literature review is mainly based on reports and articles which were gained from online sources. In order for the information that is gathered to be analysed in the most effective manner it will be divided into the various sections: Factors that have affected the rise in house prices other the last 40 years. Changes in the property market over the last 40 years with respect to affordable housing. Changes in the private lender schemes over the last 40 years. Variables affecting FTBs accessibility to the housing market. In the late 1980s and early 1990s the British housing market experienced unprecedented changes and raised heightened concerns over the affordability of many to gain access to the property market, due largely to rising house price to income ratios, which has been labelled as a ‘crisis of affordability in housing provision (Maclennan, Williams, 1990, p. 8). It is only rather recently that ‘affordability has become a common term in housing policy in Britain (Whitehead, 1991),and for this reason the meaning of ‘affordability has caused much confusion, and since the Government has given no specific definition for the term, the following definition has been sourced ‘Affordability is concerned with securing some given standard of housing (or different standards) at a price or rent which does not impose, in the eyes of some third party (usually government) an unreasonable burden on household incomes. (Maclennan, Williams, 1990, p. 9) 2.1 Factors that have affected the rise in house prices other the last 40 years. It has become apparent in recent years that the rise in house prices has become a major issue within the UK, which has resulted in First Time Buyers (FTB) finding it difficult to gain access to the property ladder. The problem faced by rising house prices has been imminent for a long time, but up until the last decade this problem was mainly confined to London, the South East and a few regional hot spots (Department for Communities and Local Government [DCLG], 2006, page 6). But by looking at more recent figures it has become apparent that high house prices have become a more wide spread problem, with particular emphasis on rural districts, and smaller settlements (DCLG, 2006, page 6). Though there has already been a vast amount of research and study on the subject of affordable housing within the UK, namely the Barker review (2003), whose principal reasoning behind the problem was largely focused on a poor planning system and constraints on housing supply. Little information was sourced on the drivers and factors which play a major role in determining UK house prices, which will be the principle aim of this section of the literature review. By analysing literature and data collected from published works this section of the literature review will examine the various factors that have played a contributing role in the rise in house prices within the UK. These include: Interest rates Supply and demand Rise in population and increasing number of households Income Buy to let market Unemployment Confidence 2.1.1 Interest Rates Many scholars believe that there is a direct link between house prices and interest rates; however the focus of this report aims to suggest, that in fact it is the affordability of housing and public confidence which is instead affected by alterations in interest rates, which in turn leads to changes in house prices. For example, a rise in interest rates would lead to increased monthly repayments on mortgages, as mortgage repayments rise, the prospects of buying a house becomes less attractive, thus leading to a decline in demand for houses and fall in house prices. On the other hand when interest rates are lowered, this would lead to a fall in mortgage repayments, public confidence and demand is likely to rise at this point leading to a rise in house prices. If interest rates were to continue fall in this manner so would house prices, until the housing market reaches a state of oversupply. McQuinn and ORiley (2006) suggest that lower interest rates mean that mortgage repayments are lower and hence the house purchaser can potentially borrow more. This would also lead to an outward shift in the demand curve with prices increasing. ‘The fall in UK interest rates (and unemployment) over time has had two linked effects. It has brought the cost of borrowing down sharply, leaving lenders (and borrowers in terms of pressuring for) with the dilemma as to whether to increase the multipliers applied (i.e. up from three times loan to income ratio- LTI) which in turn has increased demand and through that house prices (Forest, Lee, 2007, p. 168). 2.1.2 Supply and demand Supply and demand is defined as, ‘the quantity of goods available for sale at a given price, and the level of consumer need for those goods. The balance of supply and demand fluctuates as external economic factors (such as the cost of materials and the level of competition in the marketplace) influence the level of demand from consumers and the desire and ability of producers to supply the goods (BNET, 2010) Kate Barker, a member of the Bank of England monetary policy committee, was commissioned by the Treasury to examine housing supply (Guardian, 2008) and establish why house prices in the UK are rising so fast. Within the report she established that the main reason was due to the supply of housing not keeping up with demand, which she put down to the increased growth in population (Barker, 2004). In an article for the Mirror Martin Ellis, housing economist at Halifax puts it best by saying â€Å"unless we can get the supply and demand in balance then that is going to lead to more upwards pressure on that ratio of prices to earnings.† (House prices ‘have quadrupled, 2010) Data collected from the ODPM revealed that housing supply in the UK is currently growing at 150,000 new homes each year, in comparison to the 190,000 new households each year. This shortfall of 40,000 new homes which would be needed, in order for supply to meet demand, could be a significant factor in the currently rising house prices (Office of National Statistics, 2008). In speaking to the Estates Gazette (EG) Yvette Cooper, the former housing and planning minister, revealed that in order to keep up with demand 200,000 new homes would need to be built each year (EGI, 2005), with 3 million new homes built by 2020. However with the credit crunch having just hit and the uncertain state the economy is in, it is looking less and less likely that the Government will be able to meet these targets. 2.1.3.Rise in population and increasing number of households As previously mentioned supply and demand of houses has a direct effect on house prices; the aim of this section of the report is to establish how changes in the population can in turn have an effect on supply and demand of houses. It is a well known fact the UKs population is gradually growing; there have been various contributing factors to this, but the main reason is longer life expectancy. The average life expectancy of a male in the UK has risen from 67.1 in 1970 to 77.53 in 2008, and females life expectancy has risen from 74.7 in 1970 to 81.74 in 2008 (Office of National Statistics, 2008). The rise in household numbers isnt solely the result of the rise in life expectancy, theres also a variety of different demographic factors which have contributed. These include: Divorce rates. According to the Office for National Statistics, in 2008, the divorce rate in the UK stood at 11.2 divorcing people per 1000 married; this is in comparison to 6.1 in 1971, which is a 46 per cent increase. With the amount of couples getting divorced increasing, so too will the number of households, pushing demand up (Office of National statistics, 2008). Decline in number of marriages. The increase in the number of households in the UK can also be largely explained by an increase in the mean age that couples are getting married. According to the Office for National Statistics the mean marriage age in the UK has increased from 27.1 in 1970 to 35.6 in 2003 (Office of National Statistics, 2006). With the general public opting to marry at a later stage in their life the number of households is likely to increase; as explained before an increase in the number of households is likely to lead to increase in demand for houses, which will in turn lead to a rise in house prices. Major influx of immigrants. Migration is an important factor in the changes in the UKs population over the last 40 years, when inward migration is greater than outward migration; the population would rise at a higher rate. According to the Office of National Statistics 518,000 people immigrated to the UK in 2009, whereas 370,000 emigrated, giving a net migration figure of 148,000 (Office of National Statistics, 2009). 2.1.4 Income According to McQuinn and OReilly (2006), rising income will mean that borrowers can borrow more on the basis of higher income and hence bid a higher price for a property, thus the demand curve for housing will shift outwards with prices increasing. It is also suggested that higher household incomes will result in households having more disposable income, which in turn will lead to increase in normal and luxury goods, since it is assumed that housing is a normal/luxury good, it can also be assumed that demand for housing will increase, and so too will house prices. Keynes best describes this theory as â€Å"The fundamental psychological law, upon which we are entitled to depend with great confidence both a priori and from our knowledge of human nature and from the detailed facts of experience, is that men are disposed, as a rule and on the average, to increase their consumption, as their income increases, but not by as much as the increases in their income (The General Theory, 1936, p.96) In their book ‘Booms and Busts in the UK Housing Market Muellbauer and Murphy suggest that income growth alongside predicted income growth can lead to an increase in public confidence to spend disposable income; this increase in public confidence, respectively lead to a rise in house prices, through demand rising. There has been a marked increase in the number of women in paid employment in the past 60 years (Hogarth et al., 2001) there are a variety of different reasons for this, but one of the most significant would be the introduction of the Equal pay Act 1970. With many households now having two incomes they can arrange for a joint mortgage, which in effect means they can bid up house prices. 2.1.5.Buy to let market Buy-to-let (BTL) mortgages are where an investor purchases a property for purpose of renting it out; the investor rents the property out to tenants with the intention of using the money from the rent to pay off his mortgage, with a possible excess which would be kept by the landlord. The landlord would also be looking to make a capital gain on the property over its life time making it a very good investment. Since July 1996 when the Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) launched BTL loans, there has been an explosion of investors entering the market hoping to get both income and capital gains from their investment. According to Paragon Mortgages, BTL now accounts for around 14% of the mortgage market (Stepek, 2007, para. 4) According to the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) buy-to-let mortgages outstanding continue to rise, in 2008 there were 1,103,000 BTL mortgages in the UK worth  £132.5 billion, which is a rise of 19% by volume and 25% by value from a year ago previous (CML, 2008). This surge in investors entering the BTL market has been in part due to the soaring house prices of the late 90s, but also largely due to relaxation in the lending criteria , the CML have revealed that in 2008 on average, lenders would offer a maximum loan of 83% on the value of the property (CML, 2008). However with more and more investors looking to make an easy buck, upward pressure is being put on demand, resulting in house prices to rise. To add to this, investors have predominantly been buying up smaller homes, consequently making it harder for FTBs to even get small premises. 2.1.6 Unemployment With unemployment at its lowest since the 1970s (, there is more people with the potential to gain a mortgage and enter the housing market, this upward pressure on demand is turn going push house prices up. Armstrong and Taylor suggest that, low unemployment leads to higher wages, which in turn lead to an increase in demand for housing and hence higher house prices (Armstrong, Taylor, 2000, p. 208) 2.1.7 Confidence ‘In analysing the ingredients that have contributed towards the recent strong growth in house prices analysts have consistently made reference to the strength of consumer confidence. The implication is that consumer confidence positively impacts upon house price growth. (Report on confidence) Garratt goes on to say ‘While consumer confidence is not a significant factor in driving household consumption, it does have a role to play in influencing the willingness of households to undertake secured borrowing. (report on confidence, look in my docs for file) ‘Speculative demand for housing draws new buyers into the housing market on the expectation of future price increases and associated capital gains. The extra level of demand funded mainly through mortgage finance adds to the existing level of mortgage debt but the speculative demand creates a ratchet effect whereby expectations of higher prices leads to an increase in demand which sends actual house price higher ‘ (Riley, 2005, p. 73) Due to the extreme rise in house prices of the mid 90s, public confidence in the housing market grew (further explained in chapter?), which led to a rush in people purchasing property with the expectation of trying to get a piece of the action, which has caused greater demand for houses, pushing prices up. 2.2 Changes in the property market over the last 40 years with respect to affordable housing. In order to establish how the changes in the property market over the last 40 years, with respect to affordable housing has affected FTB statistics, it is first important to discuss the development of affordable housing within the UK. This will enable FTB statistics to be compared to a time-line of these developments, giving an impression of their effectiveness. 2.2.1 Right to Buy In past history a lot homes in the UK would have been council owned, but since the 1980s the proportion of council owned homes has diminished instead favouring towards providing support to various other forms of social housing. In 1980, under power of Margaret Thatcher the 1980 Housing Act introduced the Right to Buy scheme (RTB), which offered council tenants (of three years tenancy) the right to buy their council house, with discounts up to 50per cent, which in 1986 went up to 70per cent for flats (Power, 1993, p. 217). The RTB scheme has faced lots of criticism since its introduction, said to favour the more affluent home owners rather than the poorer more in need (King, 2006, p. 68). However if we were to look at the policy and whether it met its initial aims, the RTB could be viewed as having been very successful; over the past 25 years the RTB scheme has helped broaden owner occupation, particular to the working-class and helped break up municipal housing (King, 2006, p. 68). However it has also been argued that the RTB scheme has lead to a shortage of social housing available, largely due to Government edicts which have prevented councils from spending the proceeds of sales of social housing on new housing (Hallett, 1993, p.230). Accompanied by an increase in demand for affordable housing, this could be a major contributing factor in rise of house prices. 2.2.2 HomeBuy Schemes 2.3 Changes in the private lender schemes over the last 40 years. This section of the literature review aims to look at how, changes in credit available to consumers in the UK has played a role in the increase in house prices over the last 40 years. Aoki, Proudman and Vlieghe (2002, p.10) suggest that credit frictions may be important in understanding the relationship between interest rates, house prices, housing investment and consumption and found that significant effects of households access to credit on consumption and on housing investment in UK aggregate and regional data. Over the last 40 years credit constraint has seen some significant changes, with access to credit more easily available to consumers. This can be largely explained by the removal of exchange controls in 1979 and bank lending in 1980, it can be further explained by the Building Societies Act 1986, which lifted the restrictions on how building societies operate, which gave them the same status as banks (Aoki, Proudman and Vlieghe, 2002, p. 14). Other significant changes in the last 40 years include the inclusion of non-bank entrants such as department stores, retailers and insurance companies in offering credit through services such as credit cards, unsecu red loans and mortgage products. Furthermore an increase in internet banking in the 1990s and better credit scoring methods also contributed to better credit conditions (Muelbauer, 2005, p.5). In the 1970s and early 1980s building societies collectively agreed the mortgage and deposit rates they offered (Aoki, Proudman and Vlieghe, 2002, p.14), but due to relaxation in lending criteria and increase in competition between the lenders, the setting of interest rates have been a far more competitive, which has led to lower interest rates for consumers. Interest rates can have a direct effect on the supply of mortgage loans, which in turn will affect house prices. According to the financial money group, there are currently 2,003 different mortgages available on the market (Burridge, 2010, p.1), the result of this increase in competition, is the reduction of the cost of borrowing , which in turn will encourage more people to take out a mortgage. This increase in demand, as explained before will have an adverse effect on house prices. 2.4 Variables affecting FTBs accessibility to the housing market. This section of the literature review aims to establish the various variables that have affected FTBs accessibility to the housing market; this will be done through the analysis of various scholars opinions on the subject matter. It has become apparent in recent years that the rise in house prices in comparison to incomes has become a major issue within the UK, which has resulted in FTBs finding it difficult to gain access to the property ladder. As a result of incomes not rising at the same rapidity as house price inflation, the principle problem for FTBs is affordability; in the last 20 years the average price a FTB is expected to pay has increased by 294 per cent, â€Å"with the average UK property now costing five times the average earnings of a full-time male employee† (Chesworth, 2004, p. 2). To help emphasis the problem that FTBs face this dissertation will examine the rise in house prices in comparison to income since 1970; in a study by Alliance Trust Research Centre they compared the problem facing FTBs with that of their parents when they tried to buy their first property (Alliance Trust, 2006). According to the study house prices have risen from 2.5 times the average income in 1970 to 3.9 times the average income in 2005, equating to a 60 per cent increase in house price to income ratio (Alliance Trust, 2006). The average household income is  £38,302, and the house price index report shows that the average house price in the UK is  £197,000, meaning the house price to income ratio is about 5.1. These historically high figures mean that young FTBs are finding it increasingly difficult to gain access into the property market and can often lead to FTBs having to take on risky mortgages, for example interest only schemes. This can result in high household debt, which currently stands at 150 per cent of household income (Ratio of House Prices to Income, 2008). Though more recent data collected in November 2008, from the price index published by Nationwide Building Society has revealed that house prices are currently on a downward descent, FTBs are still finding it difficult to purchase their first home (CML, 2008). Though FTBs ‘loan-to-value ratios have been going down, with the average FTB taking a loan out on 84per cent of the value of the property in comparison to 90per cent in 2007 (CML, 2008). This is merely the result of lenders lowering the amount that they will lend; in previous housing climates borrowers were able to take out 100per cent mortgages, but with the downturn in the market, lenders are requiring a substantially larger deposit. This subsequently has meant that FTBs are now faced with the prospect of having to find a larger deposit; the research revealed that the average FTB deposit rose from  £15,000 in 2007 to  £19,000 in 2008 (CML, 2008). Talk about a lot of FTBs in the past would have got the money for the first house from inheritance, from parents and grand parentsbut due to longer life expectancy this isnt always available. As discussed in chapter? Late marriage can not only have an effect on housing demand, but can also play a part in FTBs accessibility to the housing market. With a lot of people opting to buy their first house once they are married With the mean average age that people are getting married in the UK rising from 27.1 in 1970 to 35.6 in 2003, As already discussed in chapter? The buy to let market has led to a massive in surge of investors buying up houses, it is typical that these investors will be buying up smaller typical FTB houses, with demand for these houses going up so will price, making it harder for FTBs to gain access to the market. More luxury goods available people spending their money on other things Sudden drop in house prices has led to parents being less likely or able to assist their kids in purchasing their first property due to their investments (house) taking a massive drop. Jobs less stable in the past people had jobs for life Contract employment; less people on full time 3.METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Strategy The aim of this research project is to compare and evaluate the variables that have affected the FTBs accessibility to the housing market over the last 40 years. In order to come to the best conclusion to this, it is essential to gather data. This chapter aims to provide a description of how this data will be gathered, and the particular research methods that will be implemented. The data collected can be split into Primary and Secondary data. ‘Secondary data consists of information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. Primary data consist of information collected for the specific purpose at hand. 3.1.1 Secondary Data Since the basis of this investigation, is to analyse house prices over the last 40 years and the effect this has had on FTBs accessibility to the housing market, secondary research will be very useful, mainly due to the extensive amount of information and data already available. The bulk of the secondary data collected has been sourced from journals, reports and websites of professional bodies. However, due to the fact that a lot of the information gathered has the potential to be bias, a variety of different sources will be used and then compared. The majority of the information gathered will be statistical data, which will include economical statistics, demographical statistics and housing market statistics; this will enable an analysis of the factors and variables that affect house prices and to spot any trends. Though a lot of these statistics were included in the literature review, the aim of the next chapter is to give a more specific investigation and data analysis. Secondary data includes: Academic Journals Internet Sites and Web pages Textbooks Newspaper Articles Other Academic Studies 3.1.2 Primary Data In order to gain the views and opinions of the housing market, questionnaires will be conducted using a sample group of home owners and non home owners. These questionnaires will be conducted using social networking sites, the advantages of using this method is, low cost of data collection and processing, ability to get a wider return rate from all over the country and the disadvantages to using this method is that it allows for errors to be made due to misunderstandings of the questions or lack of knowledge on the subject. So for this reason the questionnaires have been designed in the simplest manner. Another drawback to using questionnaires is that they may not provide an accurate view of the housing market, since only a relatively small sample group was used, it is possible that the information that is gathered may give a distorted view and conflict with the secondary data. Had there been more time it would have been beneficial to the investigation to carry out a questionnaire using a much larger sample group, giving a more accurate representation. To further the research even more it could have been very advantageous to have set up interviews with the governing bodies responsible for setting Government policy on housing and interest rates. Implementing these two methods along with the research already carried out would have allowed for opinions from both sides. 3.2 Literature Review With the aim of keeping the literature review as orderly and concise as possible, it was divided into four distinct sections, these sections are listed below. Factors that have affected the rise in house prices other the last 40 years. Changes in the property market over the last 40 years with respect to affordable housing. Changes in the private lender schemes over the last 40 years. Variables affecting FTBs accessibility to the housing market. The literature review provided an overview of the factors that have affected house prices over the last 40 years and variables affecting FTBs accessibility to the housing market. Though this research gave a good outline of the broader issues at hand, the literature review alone is insufficient in meeting the aims of the study, so for this reason it is paramount that further investigation is undertaken. 3.3 Timeline Carrying out the literature review bought forward the possibility of creating a timeline of changes in the housing market over the last 40 years. The basis of the timeline will be creation Government policy related to housing, as well as any significant changes in private lender schemes over the last 40 years. By analysing this timeline alongside statistics and data gathered from the secondary research, along with the responses from both questionnaires, direct correlations can be examined. 3.4 Questionnaire As already stated questionnaires will be sent out to two different sample groups, home owners who bought their first house over the last 40 years and non home owners. This will give a reflection on the UK publics perspective of the housing market. The structure of both questionnaires is shown below: 3.4.1 Questionnaire: Property owners Q1. GENDER Male: Female: Q2. MARITAL STATUS AT THE TIME OF BUYING YOUR FIRST PROPERTY Single: Married: Other Q3. AGE 18-30: 31-40: 41-50: 51-60: 60 and above: Q4. WHICH AREA OF THE COUNTRY DID YOU PURCHASE YOUR FIRST PROPERTY? North: North West: North East:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Right-Wing Influences in American Media :: Essays Papers

Right-Wing Influences in American Media Since the advent of television networks, Americans have relied on local and national newscasts to inform them of the world’s happenings. In the 1950’s there were no other mass informational outlets besides the network news and newspapers. Today we have the internet, which allows independent research, but the majority of Americans still depend on network and cable newscasts for their local, political, and foreign news. With the responsibility and power of informing an entire country, are television newscasts as reliable as most Americans assume them to be? Most Americans don’t consider where their news is coming from or who is producing it. Network and cable news are owned and operated by people and thus are not as objective and unbiased as we would like to think. In light of the war in Iraq and the most recent presidential election, critics of television network administration are voicing their concern for today’s presentation of the news. Increasi ngly more Americans are demanding a rehabilitation of newscasts, starting with ownership. News Ownership Before examining media practices, let’s establish what the major news networks are and who owns them. As most Americans know, ownership of media outlets is largely centralized around 6 main networks or mergers. Since 2000 the â€Å"Big Six† conglomerates (as they are often referred to) account for ninety percent of all media ownership including television, radio, newspapers, internet, books, magazines, videos, wire services and photo agencies. (Adams) In 2001, America Online (AOL) and Time Warner merged to become the world’s largest media organization. AOL Time Warner accounts for twelve television companies including Warner Brothers, 29 cable operations companies across the globe including CNN and Time Warner Cable, 24 book brands, 35 magazines including Time and Fortune, 52 record labels, the Turner Entertainment Corporation which owns four professional sports teams, and provides AOL internet services to 27 million subscribers in fourteen countries. In addition, the conglomerate owns multiple theme parks and Warner Brothers stores in thirty countries across the globe. AOL Time Warner is chaired by Steve Case, with Gerald Levin as CEO and boasts 79,000 employees worldwide. AOL Time Warner’s multi-faceted conglomerate brings in $31.8 billion in revenues annually. (New Internationalist) The second-largest media conglomerate is the Walt Disney Corporation, which has come a long way from its cartoon industry decades ago. The Disney Channel broadcasts in eight countries, with its sister sports channel ESPN broadcasting to 165 countries on three continents.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

New Product Launch Marketing Plan Essay

Audi LED headlights Audi is a top of the line luxury car manufacturing company who plans to achieve goals and provide consumers with one of kind products. Audi has decided to create a new LED head light with spot detection capabilities to assist with consumer safety while driving in the city, as well as down country roads. Audi has assessed the need for their new product and has found that the new LED headlights with spot detection would be great for the consumer as well as the company sales. Through past research by Audis team we have found that several accidents within the United stated States occurred due to poor head lights or blinding head lights. Though Audis current venture is geared towards consumer’s with families who travel at least 100 miles a week, their game plan is to incorporate this light into all vehicles. We will address the areas of target population, product position against the competitions, as well as each stage of the product life cycle and our expansion of product offerings. Audi focuses on people (Idea Connection, 2014). This new innovation of LED head lights will do just that; focus on people. Audi will utilize the family and let them be the guide behind the quality and performance of this new offering (Idea Connection, 2014). Target market profile At Audi, we came up with this new headlight technology that is designed to make night driving safer. The target market for our product is composed of couples with children under the age of 15. Among these families, the focus will be on those who drive SUVs’, Minivans and Sedans. The target audience will be based around those parents who drive their kids to extracurricular activities like piano lessons or soccer, and who live either deep in the  country or outside of the city. One submarket will be those who live within the city and like to travel outside the city. These headlights are best suited for people who drive over 100 miles a day. In terms of income, we will target individuals with a college degree who make more than one hundred thousand dollars per year. Our product will also aim at corporations who offer company vehicle for their senior executives. Key buying behaviors Three factors influence consumers buying behaviors, those factors are cultural, social and personal (Kotler & Keller, 2012). In terms of culture, individuals during the course of their life will be influenced by family, friends, neighbors, and others. Our consumers are individuals whose family members are accustomed to luxury cars, preferably Audis’. Cultural factors influencing buying behavior in terms of culture are also social classes. Our consumers will be individuals belonging to the upper class of society. For these individuals owning a luxury car with the latest technology is a statement. On the social level of consumers buying behaviors, our target market will be influenced by factors such as reference groups, family, and social roles and statuses (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Our consumers will be influenced by family members, for instance a mother will most likely want her children to ride safely in a minivan, or SUV. A businessman will buy an Audi sedan because it is a luxury car and it tell others what social class he belongs to. Our target consumers are influenced by membership groups. One example is an individual who buys a luxury car to blend in with others in hos social circle who also own luxury cars. â€Å"Personal characteristics that influence a buyer’s decision include age and stage in the life cycle, occupation and economic circumstances, personality and self- concept, and lifestyle and values.† (Kotler &Keller, 2012, p.155). Our consumers will be men and women, 30 years old or older. The target customers are also educated and very thoughtful as they carefully weigh the benefits of purchasing such a product (Rao, 2014). We believe that as mothers and wives, our consumers will be focused on safety. There have been a lot of plane crashes lately, because of that more and more people decide to drive instead of fly. Corporations will be concerned with profit. Corporations will see great benefit in Audi as it relates to the new LED head lights. The thought of safety will both save the company money, attract eager and loyal employees,  as well as give a strong impression on both competitors and new clients. Decision motivators for consumer/organizational target markets The primary decision motivators for buying the new headlights on the Audi car are the enhanced safety features of the product. Since the primary feature of the new headlights leads to secure driving, it will appeal to almost all consumers. On the other hand, the organizational target markets will entail the demographics of the urban areas. Geographic target markets will target the individuals who live in the urban areas that have developed infrastructures (Novak, De Leeuw & MacEvoy, 2011). Product life-cycle (PLC) LED headlights continue to develop short and long-term strategies in the product life-cycle. The first of four stages is the introduction into the market; customer-value hierarchy is vital during the introduction stage, which identifies the core benefit of the product and creates a detailed description of the basic product. The augmented product value stage must surpass the customer yearning for safety and technology. In addition, marketers will incorporate future potential product growth. The product design can be incorporated into any Audi vehicle during the manufacturing process. The LED headlight will be an upgrade option, and pricing will be slightly higher than Audis without the LED headlight. A strong customer-value hierarchy strategy will enhance product promotion, and the place to launch the LED headlight will be a joint effort with Audi Automotive. During the initial growth phase, pricing will remain slightly higher than Audis without the LED headlight. Based on the lesson learned during the introduction of the LED headlight, the customer-value hierarchy strategy will adjust to meet customer expectations. Product promotion will continue to expand into new markets. The maturity phase begins when the LED headlight implementation reaches market equilibrium; pricing will remain the same during this phase. If the product continues to exceed customer-value hierarchy strategy, the product promotion will continue with the addition of customer and law enforcement reviews. Research and development continues to improve the LED headlight technology. The decline phase begins when market followers enter the market; pricing will then be slightly reduced in an attempt to slow the rate of decline. Product promotion will then be redirected to the new and improved LED headlight. Promotions and places to  launch the new product will be nationwide rather than regional launches during the introduction phase. Product mix A Product Mix is referred to as â€Å"the complete range of products produced by a company.† ( That being said, Audi plans to unleash its new LED headlights in all of its product lines, which will appeal to the varying types of drivers who have a plethora of different needs and wants in a luxury vehicle. Audi produces a multitude of options for consumers to choose from. These products include 13 sedan options that range from $29,900 to $137,900, six SUV/Crossover/Wagon options that span from $32,500-$51,900, six Coupe options ranging from $40,000-$115,900, and seven Convertible options that span from $35,600-$129,400. ( With 32 available products that can be altered to match the driver’s particular style, the LED headlight is poised to grant the ultimate driving experience. â€Å"Audi revolutionized vehicle lighting with the first full-LED headlamps in 2008.† ( Audi responded to the automobile industry’s need to change how vehicle headlights affect road conditions for all drivers. Audi continues to enhance its LED design, which is sure to darken its competitors’ vision of the future of automobile driving experience and further differentiating itself by not only enhancing driving conditions, but will be made available in a variety of options. â€Å"Only one square millimeter in size and offered on every vehicle in the lineup, LEDs have opened up an array of styling opportunities for Audi designers.† ( Audi adds that â€Å"these little marvels can be combined to create infinite shapes and arrangements, giving each vehicle a look that’s distinct yet unmistakably Audi.† ( Positioning statement â€Å"For you that spend hours behind the wheel, Audi is one in its luxury class that provides not just the looks of a high end vehicle but the safest lighting for safe traveling. Unlike traditional vehicles Audi provides a combination of class, luxury, and the safest selection to keep you and loved ones safe†. Audi is not only committed to provide its consumers with top  notch service but it has also taken measures to separate itself from the competition. Audi is improving all of its vehicles by providing â€Å"LED lighting† on all its vehicles as part of its standard package. Audi’s positioning statement carries words such as â€Å"luxury, safe, traveling, family† which will always come to mind for those searching for a vehicle to purchase. Audi’s statement is targeting families, those that travel a lot, those that enjoy the luxury of a vehicle but at the same time want to keep themselves and loved ones safe. The consumers spoke and Audi listened. Their position statement is meaningful, important, and convincing to its customers, not just to the company. The Audi brand will deliver on this promise and continue to earn the trust and respect from consumers. References Anonymous. Staying ahead by meeting changing consumer needs. Business Case Studies: A Heinz case study. Retrieved August 2, 2014 from /staying-ahead-by-meeting-changing-consumer-needs/the-product-mix.html#axzz39FCRkOTR Defeat Darkness. LED technology:The vision of LED;View the LED experience. Retrieved August 2, 2014 from Idea connection (2014). Audi looks to the future of car production. Retrieved August 1, 2014 Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2012). Marketing Management (14th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Models. Retrieved August 2, 2014 from Novak, T. P., DeLeeuw, J., & MacEvoy, B. (2011). Richness curves for evaluating market segmentation. Department of Statistics, UCLA.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Performance Enhancing Drugs Trends Solutions Health And Social Care Essay

Everyone one is making it, in one signifier or another. Everyone is utilizing some type of performance-enhancing drug. That cup of java most people need to do it out of the front door each forenoon is because of the caffeine in the java. That bottle of Cola or energy drink invariably in the custodies of college pupils is non merely for thirst extinction. It is besides for the excess small jar of energy provided by caffeine and other stimulations in the drink so they can remain focussed and watchful during a peculiarly deadening category. These are slightly benign illustrations of performance-enhancing drug usage ; nevertheless, other utilizations are non so harmless. Most people want to be the best, whether it is hiting the most points in a ballgame or accomplishing the highest mark on a college entryway test. Performance-enhancing drugs may assist to present the coveted consequences. Performance-enhancing drug usage is so prevailing today because winning and being the best are more of import than personal unity and just drama. Performance-enhancing drugs are substances that aid in public presentation, energy, or work to supply an advantage over oppositions ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray ( 2009 ) , â€Å" ergogenic is to bring forth energy or work ; to boot, it refers to drugs or other methods designed to heighten the public presentation of an jock † ( p. 394 ) . Athletes have used these drugs in assorted signifiers for centuries. As stated by Hart, Ksir, and Ray ( 2009 ) , certain Olympic jocks consumed plant-based substances with stimulant-like effects to accomplish a competitory border ( p. 392 ) . In add-on, athletes perchance used Strychnine, a cardinal nervous system stimulation in low doses, during the 19th and twentieth centuries ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 392 ) . However, since Strychnine is a really effectual toxicant for gnawers, users had to be really careful with the dose ; an overdose could take to ictuss and finally to decease ( Hart, Ksir , & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 392 ) . In fact, Thornton ( 2009 ) claimed that in 1904 Olympic endurance contest smuggler, Thomas J. Hicks won because of this early doping pattern. Furthermore, the populace was non upset about his unjust advantage but the fact that other rivals did non hold similar advantages available to them. Hicks ‘s triumph and subsequent prostration was non the first incidence to get down the treatment of performance-enhancing drugs in athleticss. That happened in 1895 when the New York Times suggested stimulations had no topographic point in featuring events ( Thornton, 2009 ) . In add-on, cocaine besides has as a history as a public presentation assistance during the nineteenth century ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 393 ) . Although some people do non see cocaine an ergogenic agent, it can supply some energy and increase assurance slightly in a short-run athletic public presentation. Harmonizing to Thornton ( 2009 ) , â€Å" As organized sports evolved in the 1800s, there were histories of swimmers and bicyclers imbibing cocaine quinine waters before and during races † ( para.11 ) . In fact, the mastication of the coca works for energy has been a portion of certain civilizations for centuries ( Thornton, 2009 ) . Historically, because of its mild stimulating actions, caffeine like cocaine is a performance-enhancing drug. Hart, Ksir, and Ray ( 2009 ) suggested rivals put pure caffeine in their drinks or consumed it orally in pill signifier ( p. 393 ) . Furthermore, pep pills became the public presentation sweetening of pick during the mid-nineteen 100s. It produced greater consequences than caffeine, the effects of the drug lasted longer than cocaine ‘s effects, and it was a safer option to strychnine. Amphetamine usage in athleticss reached international graduated table doing prostration and decease of some users ; ensuing in antidoping Torahs in France and Belgium ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 394 ) . Even now, the most often misused stimulations in athleticss are pep pills, caffeine, and cocaine. Stimulations have proven to lengthen endurance by detaining weariness. Small admiration jocks choose to put on the line their wellness for that little addition ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . That little addition comes with a monetary value ; nevertheless, the side effects with pep pills and cocaine are many. The unpleasant reactions to these drugs may include confusion, paranoia, and hallucinations. Heart irregularities, high blood pressure, and prostration are besides inauspicious effects of pep pills and cocaine ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . Both drugs are Schedule II substances with high psychological dependance potency ( U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, 2004 ) . Caffeine as a drug can besides increase endurance and lessen weariness therefore it is a public presentation supporter. Since caffeine is of course portion of so many nutrients and drinks consumed worldwide, that many see it of small concern unless the sums are extremely big ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . However, it does hold some harmful side effects, with jitteriness and insomnia being the most prevailing. Caffeine can besides do decease if the sum is big plenty ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . When discoursing stimulations, ephedrine has its topographic point in this group of substances. This drug comes from the mom huang works, ephedra. It is medically use to handle diseases of the lungs including asthma. It is used in the competitory universe of athleticss for it ergogenic belongingss of increased energy. It is associated with bettering watchfulness and helping in weight loss ( D. , 2009 ) . The unpleasant reactions to ephedrine are high blood pressure, irregular pulse, and perchance stroke. Because of these awful side effects of ephedrine, the United States authorities outlawed it in 2004 ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . Furthermore, some stimulations can help in bettering cognitive maps. For case, Ritalin, Benzedrine, Adderall, and Dexedrine offer improved concentration and mental public presentation. These drugs are normally associated with attending shortage hyperactivity upset, ADHD, as a class of intervention. It is a well-documented fact that college pupils take these drugs for the competitory advantage they offers ( Good, 2010 ) . Students are non the lone people taking these drugs on college campuses. As quoted in DeNoon, â€Å" In academe, we know that a figure of our scientific co-workers in the United States and the United Kingdom already use [ Provigil ] to antagonize the consequences of jetlag, to heighten productiveness or mental energy, or to cover with demanding and of import rational challenges † ( 2008 ) . Presently, the most abused performance-enhancing drugs of pick are steroids. Anabolic steroids are man-made substances related to the male sex endocrine testosterone. The performance-enhancing result of steroid usage consists of elevated organic structure weight and thin musculus mass with an addition in strength ( Jarvi, 2004 ) . Testosterone is responsible for the growing of skeletal musculuss and male sexual development in males and females. Specifically, the testicles in work forces and the ovaries in adult females and other tissues produce the endocrine. These steroids belong to the anabolic-androgenic category of drugs. The anabolic constituent AIDSs in edifice tissue. The androgenic portion promotes masculine traits experienced in male childs throughout pubescence ( Steroid Abuse in Today ‘s Society: A Guide for Understanding Steroids and Related Substances, 2004 ) . Anabolic steroids came approximately in the late 1930 chiefly to handle powerlessness, delayed pubescence, or hypogonadism, a status in which the testicles do non bring forth adequate testosterone for normal sexual development. Other medical cases in which patients can profit from anabolic steroids are terrible Burnss, malignant neoplastic disease, acquired immune lack syndrome, and terrible injury. When discovered that these drugs could besides assist the growing of musculuss in healthy people, it was non long before muscle builders ; weightlifter and other jocks began mistreating anabolic steroids ( National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2006 ) . However, prior to this some states administered testosterone to their Olympic jocks to derive a competitory advantage. Reportedly, work forces and adult females received highly high doses ensuing in negative side effects to the participants ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 395 ) . Anabolic steroids are consumed orally or by injection. The most normally used unwritten steroids are Anadrol, Oxandrin, Dianabol, and Winstrol. The most used injected drugs are Deca-Durabolin, Durobolin, Depo-Testosterone, and Equipoise ( National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2006 ) . The physical side effects consist of liver upsets, high blood pressure, high-blood cholesterin degrees, and other unwanted medical conditions including decease. Additionally, when these substances are overly abused work forces may see expansion of the chests and prostate, shrinking of the testiss, and asepsis. Women, on the other manus, may endure sterility, increased facial hair, deepened voice, smaller chests, and other irreversible male-like features ( Steroid maltreatment in today ‘s society: A usher for understanding steroids and related substances, 2004 ) . Regardless of these deductions, anabolic steroids in adult females are going popular drugs. Why would adult females set themselves at such hazards? That supermodel organic structure is the reply. Women and immature misss are cognizant of what society in general expect of them. They must be thin, yet shapely. By using illicit steroids, these immature adult females can lose the fat but maintain the musculus tone that is so of import in stand foring a tight and fit organic structure. They merely experience better about themselves and they recognition the anabolic steroids with doing all these things happen ( Henry, 2007 ) . Furthermore, utmost anabolic steroid usage can do psychological harm every bit good. Behavior alteration may include more aggressiveness, possible delusional episodes, and depression. The hazards involved with the continual usage of anabolic steroids and the cravings for the drugs suggest dependence is a possibility ( National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2006 ) . Consequently, anabolic steroids became a Schedule III drug. As such, all informations related these drugs must be faultless and prescriptions are restricted ( Steroid maltreatment in today ‘s society: A usher for understanding steroids and related substances, 2004 ) . Nevertheless, of class, those who want them can buy them illegitimately on the black market merely like other illegal drugs. Then there is Tetrahydrogestrinone, better known as THG. This peculiar anabolic steroid behaves like testosterone inside the organic structure. THG is a man-made drug that was really developed by Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative or BALCO so rivals can avoid sensing when tested for steroids before competition. This drug may increase musculus strength and promote musculus growing, which is why jocks choose to utilize it. The side effectives are similar to the negative side of effects of natural steroids ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p.395 ) . THG is a Agenda I controlled drugs because of its high potency for maltreatment and it has no echt medical usage ( D. , 2009 ) . Another â€Å" interior decorator † steroid called Androstenedione or Andro is created from of course happening steroid endocrines in the organic structure. Andro entered the scene as a dietetic addendum and a merchandise to cut down the effects of aging. Once consumed, the addendum becomes testosterone in the organic structure ; ensuing in ergogenic alterations and negative side effects comparable to anabolic steroids. The Federal Drug Administration banned it in 2004, except for medical intents because of its utmost â€Å" anabolic and androgenic effects † ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . Despite the negative side effects, this peculiar addendum became really popular after Mark McGwire admitted to utilizing it during his chase of the homerun rubric ( D. , 2009 ) . Human growing endocrine or HGH is another public presentation foil. This peculiar endocrine is secreted by the pituitary secretory organ ; and as such, muscle addition can be achieved without the androgenic or masculinizing consequence of anabolic steroids. The medical community usage HGH to help kids with growing issues. HGH provides public presentation heightening qualities because its ergogenic ability. It may do a decrease in organic structure fat and an addition in musculus mass. A few of the negative effects of inordinate usage include going excessively big or tall, high blood force per unit area, sightlessness, and perchance type-2 diabetes. HGH is a prohibited drug in competitory athleticss ; nevertheless, athletes seek it out because there is no dependable proving available to observe the of course happening endocrine ( Zeigler, 2010 ) . Furthermore, Erythropoietin besides called EPO is deriving popularity as a public presentation foil. It is a of course endocrine produced by the kidneys to help in making more ruddy blood cells ; this would decidedly bespeak echt medical intervention for anemia-related conditions ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . The procedure is slightly drawn-out, with the remotion of blood from the jock, which is stored so re-introduced back inside the organic structure merely yearss before a competition ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . Of class, the organic structure of course rebuilds the blood making more viscousness once the removed blood is reintroduced to the organic structure with an appreciative alteration in endurance ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . The consequence is more oxygen-rich blood. A twosome of the unpleasant side effects are high blood pressure and possible curdling of the blood that could take to several serious conditions including decease ( Lund & A ; Perry, 2000 ) . Blood doping delive rs comparable consequences ; it involves transfusions of the jock ‘s ain blood right before an event ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) Peoples use many prescription drugs as public presentation supporters every bit good. Most perceptibly is Clenbuterol, a beta-2 agonist. Clenbuterol, besides know n as Clen, is a bronchodilator that belongs to the category of drugs that treat asthma and other pneumonic diseases of the lungs. However, it is non approved for human usage in the United States ; it is normally used in other states ( U.S. Department of Justice: Drug Enforcement Administration, 2009 ) . Because of the drugs ability in cut downing organic structure fat and increasing thin musculuss, it is a favourite of bodybuilding jocks ( Quinn, 2010 ) . Here once more, adult females are more likely to utilize Clen because it does non bring forth the masculine like effects of anabolic steroids and its possible to increase weight loss ( Quinn, 2010 ) . Clen is presently non a controlled substance but it does hold some inauspicious side effects. These side effects include cardiovascular issues and jitteriness. Additionally, Clen is one of the banned substances by bureaus involved in competitory athleticss ( U.S. Department of Justice: Drug Enforcement Administration, 2009 ) . Nutritional dietetic addendums have ergogenic belongingss as good. Creatine is one such addendum sold lawfully in the United States ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 403 ) . Surveies have confirmed that Creatine produces consequences desired by most jocks, increased strength and greater velocity ( Hart, Ksir, & A ; Ray, 2009, p. 403 ) . The inauspicious effects of excess lbs and cramping are minor compared to other public presentation heightening drugs ( Fernandez & A ; Hosey, 2009 ) . In decision, performance-enhancing drug usage is so prevailing today because winning and being the best are more of import than personal unity and just drama. It seems like weekly the public learns of some star athlete rip offing with performance-enhancing drugs or addendums. Society should be concerned about the message this is directing to immature, waxy kids. The competitory universe of athleticss is seeking to turn to this job with assorted proving processs and stiff punishments for those who violate when they use these substances. Schools have to be more proactive with plans in topographic point to educate pupils about the injury caused by performance-enhancing drug usage and maltreatment. Children and immature grownups besides need to understand how of import personal unity and just drama are in all countries, non merely athleticss. Many are really willing to put on the line their wellness or even their lives merely to come out on top. Many are willing to throw away old ages of difficult work for that alleged 15 proceedingss of celebrity. Marion Jones is the perfect illustration non to utilize banned or illicit public presentation boosting substances. She had it all ; so lost everything, the five Olympic Gold Medals, and her freedom for six months ( D. , 2009 ) . The enticement of moneymaking endorsement trades and indignations wages is more of an inducement to rip off than just drama. Conversely, the competition for athletic and academic scholarships does non promote much honestness either. However, boundaries must use across all subjects to eliminate the maltreatment of performance-enhancing drugs.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Health Promotion Pamphlet Essays

Health Promotion Pamphlet Essays Health Promotion Pamphlet Paper Health Promotion Pamphlet Paper Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV). (White and Traux, 2007, p.182) It is a blood borne disease and is mostly asymptomatic (even for years in many patients). â€Å"Most people dont feel sick when they are first infected with hepatitis C. Instead, the virus stays in their liver and causes chronic liver inflammation. However, hepatitis C is a chronic illness (it does not go away.)† (Hepatitis C, Signs and Symptoms Hepatitis C is asymptomatic hence usually people are diagnosed for hepatitis C when they consult the doctor for some other illness and elevated LFT’s become the first indicators for this disease. As described above hepatitis C does not show any signs and symptoms initially, however, under chronic stages symptoms like â€Å"jaundice, fatigue, decreased appetite, dark urine, right upper quadrant pain and elevated liver function tests (LFT’s) etc†. (White and Traux, 2007, p.182) Transmission Hepatitis is blood borne disease hence â€Å"breaching the skin and infecting the bloodstream is the most common way that a person contracts the virus.† (Fabry and Narasimhan, 2006, p.16) â€Å"The transfusion of blood and blood products, as well as the transplant of organs that have not undergone viral inactivation, are all potential sources of HCV transmission.† (Epidemiology article) Use of intravenous drugs and sharing needles with potential patients of hepatitis C is also a major cause especially where drugs availability and usage is common. However, everyday practices like â€Å"sharing razors, toothbrushes, tattooing (with needles) and body piercing.† (Hepatitis C, family Sexual transmission of this disease is also possible. Unprotected sex with multiple partners is usually one of the reasons of hepatitis C transmission. â€Å"Mother-to-infant transmission of HCV has been observed globally, but the risk has typically been less than 5%, unless the mother is co-infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). There has been no association between HCV transmission and breast-feeding.† (Epidemiology article) Hospital acquired infection from infected medical instruments or surgical instruments and is possible in areas where sanitary and sterilization techniques are compromised (like developing and under developed countries). Long term dialysis is also a cause of hospital acquired infection. 70-80% of those infected develop chronic infection, which results in cirrhosis in about 20%, typically after a 20-30 years silent period. Prevalence [or Epidemiology] â€Å"Based on the statistics that are available, it is estimated that 3% of the world population is infected with the hepatitis C virus. Most populations in the Americas, Europe, and South-East Asia have HCV prevalence rates of fewer than 2.5%. In the Western Pacific regions and parts of South America,  prevalence rates are higher between 2.5-4.9%. In contrast, in populations in the Middle East and Africa, HCV prevalence has been shown to range from 1-12%.† (Epidemiology article)

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Trace Your Family Tree in Mexico

How to Trace Your Family Tree in Mexico Due to hundreds of years of meticulous record-keeping, Mexico offers a wealth of church and civil records for the genealogical and historical researcher. It is also the homeland of one in every 10 Americans. Learn more about your Mexican heritage, with these steps for tracing your family tree in Mexico. Mexico has a rich history stretching back to ancient times. Archaeology sites around the country speak of ancient civilizations flourishing in what is present-day Mexico thousands of years before the arrival of the first Europeans, such as the Olmec, thought by some to be the mother culture of Mesoamerican civilization, who lived around 1200 to 800 BC, and the Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula who flourished from about 250 BC to 900 AD. Spanish Rule During the early 15th century the fierce Aztecs rose to power, maintaining dominance over the region until they were defeated in 1519 by Hernan Cortes and his group of just over 900 Spanish explorers. Called New Spain, the territory then came under control of the Spanish Crown. Spanish kings encouraged the exploration of new lands by granting conquistadors the right to establish settlements in exchange for one-fifth (el quinto real, or the royal fifth) of any treasure discovered. The colony of New Spain rapidly outgrew the initial borders of the Aztec Empire, encompassing all of present-day Mexico, as well as Central America (as far south as Costa Rica), and much of the present-day southwest United States, including all or parts of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah and Wyoming. Spanish Society The Spanish continued to rule over most of Mexico until 1821 when Mexico achieved status as an independent country. During that time, the availability of inexpensive land attracted other Spanish immigrants who sought the social status afforded to land owners by Spanish society at that time. These permanent settlers gave rise to four distinct social classes: Peninsulars, or the ruling class, were people born in Spain or Portugal. To maintain the line, some men sent their wives back to Spain to give birth, to ensure that their children also achieved peninsular status.Criollos were people of pure Spanish descent who were born in New Spain. It was this group, with the support of mestizos and other lower classes, that initiated the 11 years of rebellion to claim independence for Mexico in 1821, in response to increasing taxes and regulations by the Crown.Mestizos were people of mixed blood (generally used to identify Spanish/Indian ancestry) who ranked lower than the criollos in New Spain’s social hierarchy. Most Mexicans today (more than 65%) are descended from this group.Indigenas are the native Indians of Mexico. Prior to Mexican independence, several classifications were commonly used by the Spanish to identify people with Indian ancestry, including: indio (Indian), mestizo (half Indian/half white), zambo (half-Indian/half African ) and lobo (three-quarters African/one-quarter Indian). While Mexico has welcomed many other immigrants to its shores, the majority of its population descends from the Spanish, the Indians, or are of mixed Spanish and Indian heritage (mestizos). Blacks and some Asians are also part of the Mexican population. Where Did They Live? To conduct a successful family history search in Mexico, youll first need to know the name of the town where your ancestors lived, and the name of the municipio in which the town was located. It is also helpful to be familiar with the names of nearby towns and villages, as your ancestors may have left records there as well. As with genealogy research in most countries, this step is essential. Your family members may be able to provide you with this information but, if not, there are steps to help you find the birthplace of the ancestor. The Federal Republic of Mexico is made up of 32 states and the Distrito Federal (federal district). Each state is then divided into municipios (equivalent to a U.S. county), which may include several cities, towns and villages. Civil records are kept by the municipio, which church records will generally be found in the town or village. Civil Records in Mexico (1859 - present) Civil registration records in Mexico are government-required records of births (nacimientos), deaths (defunciones) and marriages (matrimonios). Known as Registro Civil, these civil records are an excellent source of names, dates and vital events for a large percentage of the population living in Mexico since 1859. The records are not complete, however, as people did not always comply, and civil registration wasnt strictly enforced in Mexico until 1867. Civil registration records in Mexico, with the exception of the states of Guerrero and Oaxaca, are maintained at the municipio level. Many of these civil records have been microfilmed by the Family History Library, and can be researched through your local Family History Center. Digital images of these Mexico Civil Registration Records are starting to be made available online for free at FamilySearch Record Search. You can also obtain copies of civil registration records in Mexico by writing to the local civil registry for the municipio. Older civil records, however, may have been transferred to the municipio or the state archive. Ask that your request be forwarded, just in case! Church Records in Mexico (1530 - present) Records of baptism, confirmation, marriage, death, and burial have been maintained by individual parishes in Mexico for almost 500 years. These records are especially useful for researching ancestors prior to 1859, when civil registration went into effect, although they may also provide information on events after that date that can not be found in the civil records. The Roman Catholic church, established in Mexico in 1527, is the predominant religion in Mexico. To research your ancestors in Mexican church records, youll first have to know the parish and city or town of residence. If your ancestor lived in a small town or village without an established parish, use a map to find nearby towns with a church that your ancestors may have attended. If your ancestor lived in a large city with several parishes, their records may be found in more than one parish. Begin your search with the parish where your ancestor lived, then expand the search to nearby parishes, if necessary. Parish church registers may record information on several generations of the family, making them an extremely valuable resource for researching a Mexican family tree. Many church records from Mexico are included in the Mexican Vital Records Index from This free, online database indexes almost 1.9 million birth and christening and 300,000 marriage records from Mexico, a partial listing of vital records covering the years 1659 to 1905. Additional indexes of Mexican baptisms, marriages and burials from selected localities and time periods are available on FamilySearch Record Search, along with selected Catholic Church records. The Family History Library has most Mexican church records prior to 1930 available on microfilm. Search the Family History Library Catalog under the town in which your ancestors parish was located to learn what church records are available. These can then be borrowed from and viewed at your local Family History Center. If the church records you seek are not available through the Family History Library, youll need to write directly to the parish. Write your request in Spanish, if possible, including as many details as possible about the person and records you seek. Ask for a photocopy of the original record, and send a donation (around $10.00 usually works) to cover research time and copies. Most Mexican parishes accept U.S. currency in the form of cash or a cashiers check.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Accounting for Charitable Contributions

A look at the financial structure of charity organizations and to what extent these are effective in supporting intended objectives. This paper takes a look at the financial structure of charity organizations and at what extent these are effective in supporting intended objectives. The author argues that often charities spend donations not in connection to their stated mission, and in many cases the money goes not where it is most needed. Americans are a very generous people, reaching into their pockets again and again to provide their personal and corporate dollars to support what they believe to be worthy causes they may not have the time to personally volunteer, but most are willing, at least occasionally, to write a check to support those that do.The U.S. has 1.4 million tax-exempt organizations. Its probably a safe bet that most are well-intentioned and honest. But a lot of them are simply inefficient they spend donations meant to help people in need on staff salaries or direct-mail marketing. Some do not even put donations to use toward their stated mission (Forbes, 1999).

Friday, October 18, 2019


INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW - PowerPoint Presentation Example It was a major set back to our organization. Luckily, there was no human loss but the material loss was huge. Another major development was the collapse of Indonesian Rupiah which sent the economy into a tailspin. So for our organization, there were major setbacks like only two more studios were in the working condition, employees were scared to come for work, Rupiah had no value, Transportation system had collapsed. The share holders wanted to shift to a new place. But we held to the ground that our employees who had been trained were here. We had to develop even further relationships within the community to harmonize the relationships. Rather following a punishing approach, we took up a more active societal role which was very effective. A long run plan was developed to improve the living condition of the people. With the new government in place, everybody was optimistic. The new government also setup a proglobalisation climate which was very useful for companies like us. Export regulations were eased and restrictions were removed. In this scenario, the effect of Globalution was that there The dependability and the trustworthiness was lost. These effects of Globulation was overcome over a period of time by being committed to our mission. So we continued doing that with more commitment building trust and harmonious relationships with the community. 3. AVERAGE/MOST LIKELY SCENARIO For my company, we have both benefited from globalization and globalution. Because of globalization we are able to market our batiks across the world. Europe being our major market. we have now 7 batik workshops to cater to the tastes of the western customers. The batik cloth is designed for making various garments according to the western fashion trends. We are in the process of achieving our Lexus type desire by having the modern management techniques and cost control and the olive tree need is satisfied by holding to our traditional intricate designs. The creative team travels to remote areas of various islands across the archipelago to collect native designs. also there is an increased desire among the Indonesians to dress up in batiks even for work, the olive tree symbolization. So the local demand and the international demand for our products have increased. 4. ENTREPRENEURSHIP/BEST-CASE SCENARIO In 2004 our company designs won the best Design award in Milan. Our designs were motivated by ethnic creativity. After the announcement of the award, we got recognition and attention from various institutions within the country and across the world. We got German funding of USD 2 million to set up new batik garment factory. The batik cloth produced in our studios will be made into garments in our garment division. For that we had to have international fashion designers who could use batik materials to make trendy dresses instead of just the traditional sarongs and shirts. In a country with the average family income less than USD 200 p.m, it is a great advantage to the community and the country at large. Because of globalization many doors have been opened to us. Also because of globalution, there is an increased realization among the Indonesians and the government to focus on our strengths and to

Managing High Quality Healthcare Research Paper

Managing High Quality Healthcare - Research Paper Example This research paper describes the †bloodless medicine† in medical care and surgeries and states that usually a medical practitioner or healthcare facility cannot perform any medical care procedures or treatment plan that requires patient’s informed consent. It is the responsibility of the attending physician to inform the patient of the planned course of medical treatment and procedures for the patient to be guided in making a knowledge-based decision on what to accept or what to refuse. However, in medical cases where critical blood loss posed a serious threat to life, most practitioners generally recommend blood transfusion as the best medical treatment and as the only life saving measure. In times of emergencies where patient is unconscious and a life-saving decision is to be made, it is also the moral and ethical duty of the attending doctor to protect and save the life of the patient. A blood transfusion is given to the patient without consent, overriding the will or directive of the patient. Incidents like these, often led to conflicts and court cases between the patient and the clinic. The Patient’s Bill of Rights and the Code of Medical Ethics provide a framework that fosters a better understanding and friendly relationship between the patient and the doctor as well as the healthcare institution. Through the collaborative effort of the medical society and medical scientists, the dilemma of a religious group are being taken care of, giving impetus to the evolution of non-blood surgery and medical treatment.

Critical analysis of a tv show of film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical analysis of a tv show of film - Essay Example This paper helps to provide an insight into the life of Juno, how she dealt with her problem of teenage pregnancy and how the people around her were affected, taking into account the stereotypical reactions and circumstances that she was thrust within. Juno the film has a very basic story line as well as concept attached to the tale; it is about a young girl trying to explore the nooks and crannies of intimacy and relationships without understanding the implications that might arise along with the same. The film has been directed in a very concise manner making use of pencil stylized ‘rotoscoped’ images right from the credits in the beginning, making use of animation in order to help the audience understand the maturity level of the girl and the kind of colourful life that she always wanted to live for herself. This entire sequence took a period of seven to eight months to be mastered as each and every shot that follows Juno on her way to the medical pharmacy was taken i n short screenings. The film thus helps teenagers to explore the kind of curiosity that reigns within them, and how the same should be understood not by simply jumping in and trying things out with friends, but by reading about things and comprehending the facts about life from one’s parents first. ... (Sciretta, Peter) The film achieved mass appeal because of the story telling as well as how the girl managed to learn her lesson without panicking much about the situation. The various characters within the movie have been portrayed in a very interesting manner. The director has taken his time to choose the main protagonists and provide them with a different twist. Juno is a young teenage girl who comes off a little strong on the first meeting with everyone. Full of sarcasm, she helps to put an indie spin on the movie and gives a very intense performance with her dominating nature and need to control everything that might not even be in her reach. However, she understands where she went wrong by getting pregnant but decides to bring about a change in a couple’s life with the help of her baby who she is willing to give up in order to make someone else happy. There was a vast amount of dramatisation in the film played by the other characters, namely Juno’s parents which h elped to calm the situation by making her understand what she had gone through, and helping her come out with a solution rather than screaming at her and making her feel the pain of the implications and consequences that she was already suffering. The two characters acted in an excellent manner, almost very real and lifelike, helping parents all around to understand how to cope with their children if they befall such a similar situation in their future. Juno herself wonderfully shows the kind of solid and sincere relationship she always wanted a child to be under the influence of during his or her growing up years and thus decides to give the baby to the perfect couple who will be able to raise it with love and patience. The movie falls

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting 2 teams together (one good and one bad) Essay

Comparing and Contrasting 2 teams together (one good and one bad) - Essay Example One good example to distinguish the kind of teams with two types of relationship based on communication is the show The Apprentice 1. The show was played in United States in 2004, and it ran for almost 16 weeks. The show's theme was to find an apprentice for the man himself, Trump. There were series of entrepreneurial skills needed to be tested among the contestants, and they were executed in the form of survival games in enterprise settings. The one who will ultimately survive the series of games and tasks directed by Trump will be the one he will finally hire. The first season of the US series employed Bill Rancic as the apprentice in 2004. Although the achievements of the contestants were based on the individual scores of the performance, they were grouped into two "corporations" that were initially based on genders. The women were the team Protg Corporation, and the men named their team Versacorp. There were 16 contestants in all, and during the course of the show, they were accommodated in the 4th floor of the Trump Tower in Manhattan. Their communal lifestyle during the show were mostly aired live and trailing it along as semi-reality drama while carrying out the tasks given to them. These 16 contestants were consisting of experienced in various enterprises they were successfully working with within the United States. They were eight men and eight women that worked in real estate, sales, political consulting, and restaurant management.The show focused on the tasks given to them each week and each team was expected to work as a real working corporations. The whole duration of the carrying out of the tasks by each team was then assessed based on their performance, and their achievements. The weakest among the members upon the assessment will then be "fired" by Trump and his associates in each conclusion of the week's episode; this usually came from the losing team as they will face Trump in a boardroom showdown. On the contrary, the winning team each week will be getting a reward. In summary the Protg Corporation won over the Versacorp. The ultimate winner could be from Versacorp initially, but on the proceeding of the show, the two teams reshuffled with their remaining members. The Protg Corporation won the challenges as they worked as team - a good team. Leadership on the group varies each week and each task. Thus, almost every contestant, aside from the ones who got fired without their turn, had a chance to lead their corresponding teams. In each winning team every week, it was observed that coming up with a good strategy helps a team to function effectively, not just focusing on the Protg Corporation alone. To be able to come up with a good strategy, upon observation as well, good communication is needed. An example is the 2nd week of the

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 101

Summary - Essay Example The variables under investigation were the social capital and public engagement in public affairs, both of which are necessary in strengthening the responsiveness of civil societies and political institutions. These factors are necessary in maintaining healthy democracies in the society. The research method was a direct survey using online questionnaires; respondents were asked questions regarding the use of social networks to obtain news and the effects that the news obtained had on their knowledge and participation in political issues. To increase the response rate, a monetary incentive was used; participants were entered in a draw where they could win monetary prizes. The variables under investigation were social capital, offline political participation, civic participation, social demographic variables, use of media news, use of social networks for news and general social network use. In each variable, respondents were asked questions regarding their behaviors in using social net works and the effects that these had on the respondents. The research revealed that public use of news in social networks had a direct effect in increasing the social capital significantly. In other words, the use of social networks to keep up with news on issues affecting the community had a positive effect on the social capital. Moreover, the research revealed that the use of social network sites for news improved public participation in the society, which led to increased participation in political discussions, online and offline. As such, people who get informed through social sites tended to participate more in issues affecting the community, with such participation leading to new information seeking behavior. The researchers recommended the investigation of the effects of the socio-economic characteristics of the communities in which respondents live. This will lead to an understanding of the extent to which social economic differences may affect

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critical analysis of a tv show of film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical analysis of a tv show of film - Essay Example This paper helps to provide an insight into the life of Juno, how she dealt with her problem of teenage pregnancy and how the people around her were affected, taking into account the stereotypical reactions and circumstances that she was thrust within. Juno the film has a very basic story line as well as concept attached to the tale; it is about a young girl trying to explore the nooks and crannies of intimacy and relationships without understanding the implications that might arise along with the same. The film has been directed in a very concise manner making use of pencil stylized ‘rotoscoped’ images right from the credits in the beginning, making use of animation in order to help the audience understand the maturity level of the girl and the kind of colourful life that she always wanted to live for herself. This entire sequence took a period of seven to eight months to be mastered as each and every shot that follows Juno on her way to the medical pharmacy was taken i n short screenings. The film thus helps teenagers to explore the kind of curiosity that reigns within them, and how the same should be understood not by simply jumping in and trying things out with friends, but by reading about things and comprehending the facts about life from one’s parents first. ... (Sciretta, Peter) The film achieved mass appeal because of the story telling as well as how the girl managed to learn her lesson without panicking much about the situation. The various characters within the movie have been portrayed in a very interesting manner. The director has taken his time to choose the main protagonists and provide them with a different twist. Juno is a young teenage girl who comes off a little strong on the first meeting with everyone. Full of sarcasm, she helps to put an indie spin on the movie and gives a very intense performance with her dominating nature and need to control everything that might not even be in her reach. However, she understands where she went wrong by getting pregnant but decides to bring about a change in a couple’s life with the help of her baby who she is willing to give up in order to make someone else happy. There was a vast amount of dramatisation in the film played by the other characters, namely Juno’s parents which h elped to calm the situation by making her understand what she had gone through, and helping her come out with a solution rather than screaming at her and making her feel the pain of the implications and consequences that she was already suffering. The two characters acted in an excellent manner, almost very real and lifelike, helping parents all around to understand how to cope with their children if they befall such a similar situation in their future. Juno herself wonderfully shows the kind of solid and sincere relationship she always wanted a child to be under the influence of during his or her growing up years and thus decides to give the baby to the perfect couple who will be able to raise it with love and patience. The movie falls

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 101

Summary - Essay Example The variables under investigation were the social capital and public engagement in public affairs, both of which are necessary in strengthening the responsiveness of civil societies and political institutions. These factors are necessary in maintaining healthy democracies in the society. The research method was a direct survey using online questionnaires; respondents were asked questions regarding the use of social networks to obtain news and the effects that the news obtained had on their knowledge and participation in political issues. To increase the response rate, a monetary incentive was used; participants were entered in a draw where they could win monetary prizes. The variables under investigation were social capital, offline political participation, civic participation, social demographic variables, use of media news, use of social networks for news and general social network use. In each variable, respondents were asked questions regarding their behaviors in using social net works and the effects that these had on the respondents. The research revealed that public use of news in social networks had a direct effect in increasing the social capital significantly. In other words, the use of social networks to keep up with news on issues affecting the community had a positive effect on the social capital. Moreover, the research revealed that the use of social network sites for news improved public participation in the society, which led to increased participation in political discussions, online and offline. As such, people who get informed through social sites tended to participate more in issues affecting the community, with such participation leading to new information seeking behavior. The researchers recommended the investigation of the effects of the socio-economic characteristics of the communities in which respondents live. This will lead to an understanding of the extent to which social economic differences may affect

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

British Sky Broadcasting Limited Essay Example for Free

British Sky Broadcasting Limited Essay The share price calculated for BskyB using the residual income valuation model is  £ 3.72, which is  £ 5.64 below the market share price of around  £ 9.36. Reason for such depleted share price is that the profits reported by BskyB are not showing the impact of the equity capital and hence valuing the BskyB stock on the basis of reported profit for the period doesn’t show the true and fair view of BskyB share price. The price calculate by using the residual income valuation model is showing that how the cost of equity capital has affected the profits of BskyB and thus reporting a decreased value of the company and for the share price as well. Operating income predicted on the basis of the growth rate is showing a constant increase in the operating income in the future period. It is very important for BskyB to achieve a higher rate of growth in revenues which will ultimately gives rise to the need of investing in BskyB’s operating assets and thus both variables will end up with the increased value of company per share for the next period forecast. As the value of company is equal to the net present value of future cash flows discounted at appropriate rate of return to the investor. So the company should try focusing growth in its revenue rather than expending its business in the UK and around the globe. Return on net operating assets of BskyB is also decreasing in the next three years period. The decrease is miner but this is a sign that BskyB could be in more depressed financial conditions if attention is not paid to the growth rate of revenue. As in the above graph the return on net operating assets has been dropped from 49.00% to 48.99%. As the investors are much interested in the future prospects of the company rather than the historical performance of company. At first instance the investor will forecast the value of its investment and if the investment is generating some additional amount on their investment and if investment is not generating any additional return on it then they will consider the alternative company to invest. Following would be the basic assumptions: 1- The stock price can be predicted by using the residual income valuation model. 2- The relationship of current stock price and between the predicted share prices is significant. 3- Share piece of BskyB calculated using the residual income method divided by the current share price is more reliable and appropriate as compared to the book value of stock divided by the current value of stock. 4- The cost of capital will remain the same in the period under forecast which is 5.73%. 5- Terminal value will grow at the rate of industrial sector growth which is 4.00%. 6- Tax rate will not change. 7- Company will invest continuously in its operating assets. Investment recommendations: 1-As BskyB Vodafone are already partners, Vodafone has its customer base and the BskyB has the numerous type of entertainment and various license for the sports events. Recently the BskyB has announced that for the upcoming soccer league season the company has spent 299 million pound. If company sign a contract with Vodafone to show its direct broadcast to the Vodafone users than it will not only enhance the customer base of BskyB but will also promotes its sport broadcasting channels. (Thomson, 2014) Moreover, this could be more beneficial if the company also provides high speed broad band services to its Vodafone customer on a very cheap rate by introducing some attractive sport events covering packages. As the company has a strong customer base of 4.9 million. This will certainly be increased by taking over this investment opportunity. Because the competitor there is capturing the market share very rapidly (British Telecommunications) and due to BT BskyB has lost 1.5 billion pound of its value in November. So it is much vital for BskyB to maximize the revenue by investing in secure opportunities. (PLUNKETT, 2014) 2- â€Å"British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc, known as BskyB, (BSYBY.PK,BSY.L), Friday said it agreed to invest $8 million in Luminari Capital, a venture capital fund focusing on technology and media startup companies that operate within the theme of innovation in video. This investment is expected to aid Sky to choose relevant startup companies to partner with in the future†. (British Sky To Invest $8 Mln In Luminari Capital Quick Facts, 2013) As the broadcasting industry needs continuously development and up gradation of its broadcasting technology and thus it will need investment to achieve that level of competitive broadcasting to compete within the industry and make keep its distinctive position in the UK  broadcasting industry. Furthermore, UK film industry has also called for investment from BskyB of 20 million pound annually; this is major part of the annual investment in the UK film industry which signifies the position of BskyB in the UK broadcasting industry. (Macnab, 2014) As the strategy of BskyB has always remain customer focused and the company has always aimed high to serve its customer with its robust and highly innovative broadcasting technology, from a long period the company has reaped the fruits of its consumer focused strategies. So again the company has the opportunity to gain several film licenses by dominating is position to generate considerable cash flows in future. Already the company is the choice of around 40% of the British household and such continuous significant investment opportunities can turn the ship of BskyB around the globe. 3-As the company is in the industry in which it is required to maintain a research and development for its broadcasting equipment. Currently the company pays a large portion of its earning to the supplier for the payment of equipment which it has purchased time to time. If the company invests in such a operating facility which is well equipped and has the capacity to produce the all tangible broadcasting equipment and as it will also have its RD department then off course it can innovate its products in house and frequently. This will also be considered as separate revenue generating business segment of BskyB which will ultimately increase the company’s potential to increase its revenue in upcoming periods. BskyB can also sell those in house broadcasting equipment to other organizations operating under the umbrella of the broadcasting. More over a company like BskyB must also consider the investing in the other competitors as it has already invested in many other media and broadcasting companies. this will help the company in a manner, if in a certain year the company remains unable to show increase in its revenue it will be compensated by earning revenue from its short term or long term investments. References: Thomson, A. 2014. Vodafone Said to Discuss Sharing Broadband With BSkyB in U.K. [online] 20 January. Available at: [Accessed: 31 March]. PLUNKETT, S. 2014. Vodafone, BSkyB in talks to curb BTs broadband reach report. [online] 19 January. Available at: [Accessed: 31 March 2014]. British Sky To Invest $8 Mln In Luminari Capital Quick Facts. 2013. [online] 15 November. Available at: [Accessed: 31 March]. Macnab, G. 2014. UK panel urges broadcasters to invest. [online] 23 January. Available at: [Accessed: 31 March].